Class WhatsApp groups are a very useful and efficient way of communicating to the whole class. The aim of WhatsApp is to send a message (which is relevant to school) to the entire group.

1. The group should never be used as a platform to air views/grievances regarding a teacher, child or parent in the class.

2. The group is not a political platform for airing opinions on current affairs.

3. Homework queries should be addressed directly to the teacher the following day where possible.

4. At the start of the school year, the children are advised which days are tracksuit/uniform. This should be noted in the school journal and referred to going forward. 

5. Please do not engage in a 1:1 conversation with anyone using the group forum.  

Note: Our reasoning behind points 3 and 4, is that we want to improve the organisational skills of the boys and give them added responsibility in the Senior school to take these instructions on board themselves. In doing so we will help them develop the skills needed of them as they work through our education system. 
We fully realise that there will be occasions when getting the homework/uniform information from parents via WhatsApp is needed but if we can do this less often it will have a positive impact on the boy’s listening and organisational skills in school. We understand that if a boy is anxious then getting homework/uniform information via the group may help them overcome this. 
We are not trying to monitor, interfere, regulate or get involved in WhatsApp groups whatsoever and we fully understand and endorse the benefits of being able to communicate to other parents. We just want to protect pupils, parents and teachers and the guidelines are just a few suggestions as to how we can work together to ensure that this happens.

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