At Scoil Naomh Eoin Baiste, Buachaillí Sinsearacha, our aim is to provide a safe and caring environment in which each child can achieve his full potential, academically, socially and spiritually.
The school aims to:
Develop a caring, safe and positive school environment that encourages a strong sense of belonging and where the rights and responsibilities of individuals are recognised and respected.
Foster positive relationships between members of the school community.
Develop a clear set of rules, policies and procedures that protect the rights of individuals and resolve conflict in a positive manner.
Make students accountable for their own behaviour, and to implement fair but effective consequences for misbehaviour which encourage students to recognise the rights of others and to be aware of their own responsibilities.
Provide a support services infrastructure to support staff in managing student behaviour and in other areas of need.
Develop strong links with parents to keep them informed of their child’s progress.